1. General Information for participants


If you have any queries about the conference, please email (Marc Garcia Vitoria, HarMA  Seminar Team in the host Institution) or Salvatore Gioveni,, HarMA projects President.

The 4th Edition of HarMA – Harmony and Music Analysis – Seminar Event will take place in Conservatori Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” de València – Spain on April 14-16th, 2025. The participants should be supported by the Erasmus+ Training Staff Mobility (STT) – certificates upon completion.

The goal of the International HarMA Seminar Event is to bring in a single place the Music Theory faculties from Higher Music Education Institutions to talk about their Home Institutions’ organization and especially to share their teaching practice experiences, international projects and innovative teaching methods in these fields.

This event will also present the working process of the HarMA HUB Project (Strategic Partnerships Erasmus+ Project KA2 led by Salvatore Gioveni, Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles) and especially the main activities and tools in development or achieved : we kindly ask the participants to contribute to it by sending us some data for our EU Bibliography and EU Music Analysis Repository, HarMA PeerJournal, and the EU Glossary explained in the project’s description.

A dedicated and contributive comparative analysis comparative training session will be organized on the second day.


2. Registration and Participants Profile


We have now opened the registration form to allow eligible participants to register and submit their proposals in line with the rule-book requirements.   Please, note that as the number of participants is limited, we highly recommend sending one or two representatives from the same institution.

The participants should be a music theory faculty teacher/member or similar (Harmony, Music Analysis, …), or the heads of the music  theory departments or delegates able to provide authorized information about their Home Institution in these fields.

  • Deadline to submit your registration form is  20/12/2024 at the latest (as earlybird due to the limited number of participants)
  • Deadline to submit your proposal is  15/01/2025 at the latest (you need to register first)
  • Deadline to submit your registration form as audience participant is  01/03/2025 at the latest

If you have any queries about the conference, please email (Salvatore Gioveni, Chair of the HarMA projects) (Vicent Sanchis, IrC and English teacher)


All participants will be contacted to register to the HarMA Dinner (second day, 15th April, 8 PM) with payment


3. Erasmus+ STT grant (mobility for training)


HarMA Seminar Event is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme. It allows you to be supported by the Erasmus+ grant. Please, first, contact your Erasmus+ coordinator in order to apply.

The Conservatori Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” de València will provide you all the necessary documents.

Invitation Letter
Mobility Agreement for STT (training mobility)
Certificate of attendance (digital document)

Contact information:

Prof. Vicent Sanchis Caparrós
English language and Literature
International Relations Coordinator

4. Speaker guidelines

Speakers are asked to focus on their topic chosen during the registration form process. In preparing for their sessions, speakers should note that participants are drawn from many countries and from different professional backgrounds.

Proposal has to be sent by 15/01/2025 at the latest

2.1. Topic Specific Talks (30′)

Format proposal : only PDF, 2 pages max. with your full name, email, positions and institution, and the abstract of 850 characters spaces included will be accepted

The proposal has to be related to one of these topics : (30min including A/Q session of 10min)

2.2. Training Session (1h30′)

Format proposal : only PDF, 2 pages max. with your full name, email, positions and institution, and the abstract of 850 characters spaces included will be accepted.

To be selected, the session has to be an interactive pedagogical training session for participants (1h30 including A/Q session of 20min)

The proposal has to be related to one of these topics : (1h30min including A/Q session of 20min)

    • Any other topic related to MT

A dedicated comparative analysis training session will be organized on the second day.


5. Length and structure of session

Speakers are asked to keep their presentations as long as required (30′ or 1h30′) in order to allow maximum time for roundtable discussion in the session. Each session usually lasts 10′ (topic specific talk) or 20′ (training session). Thus in a session of two speakers, speak for a limited time as indicated for one speaker. During the ensuing discussion, the speaker panel will have opportunities to contribute further and to respond to any specific points raised. Chairman/women will be chosen for your session.


6. Presentations

The seminar does not require speakers to prepare a formal written paper if they prefer to work from notes. However, each speaker is asked to provide the HarMA event team, by April 1st, with their pptx presentation. PDF version of your presentation will be upload and share to all participants after the event. We usually publish all presentations made during an event onto our secured drive file which only participants can access.


7. Discussion protocol

Our event is designed to be as interactive and smooth as possible. All speakers and participants are encouraged to participate in their own personal capacity. Discussion in all sessions is ‘off the record’ and no individual speaker or participant should be quoted without that individual’s express permission. Should a speaker wish or agree to talk ‘on the record’, the Chair will make this clear at the beginning of the session. In such cases, the speaker may be identified and quoted. All subsequent collective discussion reverts to the standard ‘off the record’ format.

Individuals attending HarMA Seminar Event may be video recorded or photographed during the course of a meeting. These media may be used for promotional purposes through broadcast, webcast or publication by other means. If you do not consent to your comments or likeness being used,please notify the Chair of the event (

Journalists, and other participants, are welcome to seek individuals’ agreement to conduct ‘on the record’ interviews with speakers or participants for which we shall provide space and facilities.

Participant lists will be circulated only beyond registered participants.


8. Social media

The protocol also applies to all uses of digital and social media, both before, during and after the event. If you do not consent to this protocol, please notify the Chair of the event (


9. Conference room

All plenary sessions take place in different Conference Rooms of the Conservatoire. Speakers usually stay seated for their presentations. There is sound equipment for amplification; the sessions are not recorded.


10. Practical Information for Attendees


How to Reach the Conservatori Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” from Valencia Airport
  • Only Metro ( Take Line 3 (red) or Line 5 (deep green) from the airport to Xàtiva station. Walk a little bit until Alacant station, switch to Line 10 (light green) and get off at Quatre Carreres station. The conservatory is right there.
  • Metro + Bus ( Take Line 3 (red) or Line 5 (deep green) from the airport to Xàtiva station. From there, you can take bus 35 to Ciutat de la Justícia.
  • Taxi: Taxis are available at the airport. The journey to the conservatory takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic, and costs about 30€.
In general, public transportation in Valencia by bus is quite efficient. Taxis aren’t very expensive, especially if you share the trip with one or more colleagues. Of course, both are susceptible to rush hours (8h-9h and 17-19h).
The easiest option is to book a hotel near the Conservatori. These are some options, not very expensive:
– Hotel NH Valencia Las Ciencias
– Hotel NH Valencia Las Artes
– Holiday Inn Express Valencia-Ciudad de las Ciencias
– Arena Zone Hotel
– Hotel Medium Valencia
There are other options just across the river, sometimes a little bit cheaper, but be aware about walking distances:
– Hotel Ilunion Aqua 3 & 4
– Hotel Primus Valencia
– Barceló València
Finally, the option of staying near the city center is also beautiful, as long as you accept that you’ll have to take the public transportation or walk around 40 minutes. The options grow exponentially.
Please remember that the Seminar will take place during the Holy Week, which means that prices might get very high if you don’t reserve your accommodation well in advance.
All the lunches will take place in the Conservatory. Depending on the weather, we will eat indoors or outdoors. Please inform us about intolerances, allergies or any food restriction you might have.
HarMA Dinner (15.04, second day)
The venue for the dinner (Tuesday 15th April) is Arroceria El Rek. The price for this is 30€ and it must be payed at the time of your registration for the dinner. A meeting at the Conservatoire for a short boat trip that will take us to the restaurant ! The registration for the meeting is mandatory, a short form will be sent on due time.
Cultural activities
Day 1 – 14/04

Visit to Valencia city center: We will meet in the City Hall of Valencia at 6PM. It will last about 2 hours and finish in Torres dels Serrans.

Day 2 – 15/04

Sunset in Albufera: We will meet in the Conservatory at the end of the last activity to take a bus from there. The bus will get us back directly to the dinner venue.



Training Session: Comparative Analysis Session

Isaac Albéniz, Prelude (“Evocación”), from Iberia, book 1

Chaired by Marc GARCIA VITÒRIA
Conservatori Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” de València

Led by John Koslovsky (KULeuven, Belgium) and Alberto Martín Entrialgo (The Purcell School, U.K.).

Score to use
Deadline to submit your analysis : March 14th, 2025

The overall objective of this session is to compare various methodological and didactic
approaches to music analysis. To do this, we have selected the opening piece from the first
book of Isaac Albéniz’s famous piano suite, Iberia (1905-08). Written in Paris in 1905 and
originally construed as a prelude, “Evocación” is a work saturated with impressionistic
sonorities and scales. At the same time, the piece bears clear traces of classical form, phrase
structure, schemata, and cadence; not only that, but the work is also strongly evocative of
Spanish folk music through its incorporation of elements from the fandanguillo and the jota.
All told, Albéniz offers us a rich panoply of compositional and stylistic elements, and in
doing so invites us to approach his music from numerous analytical vantage points.
In order to facilitate discussion at the session, we ask that participants submit their own
analysis of the piece in advance (due date: 14 March). You are free to use any methodology
and terminology you see fit to approach the music, especially as you may use them in various
pedagogical settings (whether for a general music analysis course, for more advanced
analysis seminars, or for specific target groups or other music-educational settings). The
analysis can take the form of an annotated score, diagrams, and/or a short accompanying text.
You may elect to discuss structural and stylistic elements; aspects of performance; the
listening experience; or any other analytical modality you deem appropriate. You may choose
to provide an analysis of the entire movement, or you can decide to focus your attention on
specific passages for more detailed assessment. Most importantly, we are looking for your
analytical and didactic insights into the music, ones that will foster friendly debate and
collegial discussion among the HarMA participants. More detailed questions about the piece
will follow at a later date.

During the session a selection of analyses will be picked out for comparison, and audience
members will have ample opportunity to discuss their own findings. A performance of the
piece will be offered by Nicolás Puig Esteban of the Conservatori Superior “Joaquin
Rodrigo” de València.